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Modified 19-Nov-23
Created 17-Jan-22
17 photos

Usery Mtn Reginal park is located on the Eastern edge of Mesa, toward the hill country and high desert.It covers 3600 acres of land and has facilities for RV's, Camp grounds for solo campers or family groups, etc. It is mainly used by local and they allow hikers, bikers, horse-back riders. The trail head areas (staging areas) have facilities for parking, picnic area and hitching posts. The maps of the area can be had (free) at the main entrance - they show the trails you can walk or ride on ... but you still have to be careful of the signage, it is sometimes missing or erroneous. During our hike which was supposed to last about 2 hrs we must have missed a cut off, because we ended up walking half again longer than we wanted. It was a nice day out non the less.
Birds nest in a Cactus tree