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Created 27-Aug-09
Modified 19-Nov-23
I had a telescope when I was a kid. it was one of the earliest Celestron scopes, but it worked really well. I would sit out in the backyard, at night, for hours and watch the light show that is the universe around us. It was only in my later years that I started reading about how all this came to be and how the universe works (as best as any physicist can tell us). It is well worth the effort to know about.
I find the "Art Work of the Heavens" truly spectacular. Hopefully you will too.


Visitors 10
0 photos
Created 19-Nov-23
Modified 19-Nov-23


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Created 19-Nov-23
Modified 19-Nov-23

Spacey Things

Visitors 4
39 photos
Created 19-Nov-23
Modified 19-Nov-23
Spacey Things